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  • Writer's pictureDr. Hillary Roland, ND

A Natural Approach to Ending Allergies

Updated: Jun 13, 2018

Spring can be a time of renewal instead of dread! Here are three ways to help you get rid of your allergies, naturally.

When I was 21 I had surgery on my sinuses. The doctors went in through my nose with the cranial equivalent of a rotor rooter and opened up my passageways. In truth I didn’t mind it at all. It was painful, but after years of dealing with chronic allergies, anti-histamines, nasal sprays and sinus infections, it was amazing to really breathe again. I hadn’t had a sense of smell in almost 3 years!

After my surgery I found a Naturopath — in addition to the inklings of a career overhaul — and my allergies became a thing of the past. I often wonder if I could have avoided surgery if I had found an ND earlier. As a result, I love helping my patients become allergy free so they can stop and smell the roses once again.

If you want spring to be a time of renewal instead of dread, there are three important components of getting rid of allergies:

1. A commitment to healthy diet

2. Heal your gut

3. A few supplements for support

Step 1. Commit to a healthy diet Allergies are a type of inflammation. Redness, watery secretions and increased mucous production are all a result of inflammatory mediators being released in your blood stream as result of your exposure to allergens. Eating fried foods, sugar, and animal meat all encourage the release of these inflammatory mediators so when our body reacts to an allergen the symptoms of inflammation are more severe.

Eating a whole foods diet (meaning foods that are in their natural form and not processed) that is low in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and animal products is essential.

This means eating lots and lots of veggies, a small amount of whole grains, plus healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado, nuts and seeds. Focus on vegetable proteins and eat organic grass fed meat when you eat it.

Step 2. Heal your gut Allergies are the result of an over active immune response. We have an immense amount of immune cells that line our GI tract called the GALT (gut associated lymph tissue). The health of our GI tract determines how the food we take in interacts with those immune cells. The acid in our stomach kills potential pathogenic bacteria on our food; the bacteria in our gut helps break down proteins and carbohydrates into manageable pieces; and the connection proteins between the cells in the lining of our GI tract make sure that larger proteins don’t reach the blood and activate the immune cells along the GI tract.

Inflammation in our gut decreases acid production and breaks downs the connection proteins allowing big proteins to slip through the cell walls and activate our immune cells. There are 3 stages to healing the gut:

  • First remove all potential food allergens. Start an elimination diet during which you remove the most common food triggers including gluten, sugar, dairy, eggs, soy, coffee and artificial ingredients. It takes some time and preparation, but my patients have astounding results when they take this first step. The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre is a great resource to guide you through a successful elimination diet.

  • Second, repair the lining of your GI tract. Tumeric, aloe vera juice and marshmallow root all safely decrease inflammation and soothe the lining of the GI tract. L-glutamine improves cell function and repairs connection proteins. Fish oil also decreases inflammation and encourages healing.

  • Finally, restore function. Take a good quality probiotic as well as a digestive enzyme or use bitter herbs like Gentian, Yarrow and Skullcap to stimulate your body’s own hydrochloric acid and enzyme production. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before your meal has a similar effect on your digestive tract.

Step 3. Take supplements for support

If you have symptoms now, you need relief now while you are working on restoring your gut health. The following supplements decrease inflammation and help control histamine release and are helpful in decreasing the quantity and severity of allergy related symptoms.

  • Quercitin – prevents histamine release from white blood cells; a powerful anti-inflammatory.

  • Bromelain – decreases inflammation when taken away from food.

  • Zinc – supports normal immune function so that immune cells don’t over react to normal environmental exposures.

  • Buffered Vitamin C – prevents histamine release from mast cells and improves immunity.

  • Dried Stinging Nettle – safe natural anti-histamine that does not cause drowsiness.

  • N-Acetyl Cystiene – breaks up mucous and decreases inflammation in the body.

  • Butterbur – a strong natural antihistamine that does not cause drowsiness. Should not be taken for more than two consecutive weeks due to compounds that are hard on the liver.

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to clear up allergies depending on the severity of your symptoms. If you have symptoms right now, start with the supplements and work backwards. You may get relief but you will have to dig deeper to permanently get rid of your allergies.

Note: each allergy case is unique. Be sure to consult a healthcare provider to assist you with the timing of each of the steps, as well as supplement dosage, form (tablets, liquids, chewables, powders) and recommended delivery system (oral, topical, etc.).

Work With Dr. Hillary Roland, ND, RND

I'm here to help you on your journey to become naturally allergy-free.

Schedule a new patient consult to discuss your allergy symptoms and which of these supplements will best for your specific situation.

Need more information? Schedule a free 15 minute introductory consultation via phone to learn more about how naturopathic medicine can help you.

May this be the beginning of the end of your allergy woes!



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